So, setting up the first Vista laptop at Lavjaveler (codename: Javmobeler2; Notebook computers do have sequels) and there is no rubber duck picture in any of the user profile options. I have always been the duck! I know, some people think the duck is stupid, but it was a favorite dog toy at the Kelsey house. We had one duck we thought was near indestructible until it was revealed later that that particular dog just had teeth that were ground down to nubs from her previous home. Well, for those of you NOT making fun of me and were missing the duck, never fear! The development server still runs XP and I poached that duck (because I can). Download it below.
Abbie said,
Good for people to know.
Dan said,
Awesome! The default user tiles in Win7 are horrible, Iong live the rubber ducky!
Matt said,
Thanks so much.
Deleted my wife’s profile on the computer and her user pic was the rubber ducky!
Donovan said,
I really like same the little duck. I think it is funny animal. By the way, what the relationship between windows vista with the case of rubber ducks lost? Could you explain more information on this case?
Boško said,
I have to say, I love the duckie.
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